Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 15:52:31 GMT
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A warm sun shone down upon the Lililycove City Fishmarket. Stalls of fish-sellers lined on each side all vying for the attention of each passerby, Solomon included. But he held no desire for them.

Dressed in his blue and white Pelipper-Special-Delivery-Service, he was making his way down the streets towards his intended target. Bag of letters and small Parcels resting gently on his side. His small Electric-Scooter folded neatly as he carried it in one hand, and a specially made Egg-n-Bacon Sandwich in the other.

A sandwich that he was working on devouring as the company’s namesake Pokémon’s prior form landed in front of him. He halted his walking before he walked into it. Then he looked at the bird, it looked at his sliced-bread-with-filling. “You are not getting zis.” He stated matter of factly before walking past.

That was probably his biggest mistake. An angry squawk later and the entire Wingull heard was chasing him down the fish market trying to steal his sandwich. Still, he was not willing to depart with it, it was his and his alone.

OOC: Mission thread for "Don't feed the gulls"
Location: Lilycove City


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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Allison Hawthorne
Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 19:02:02 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
oh god the smell! Allison had never been to a fish market before it was not something she had to before.
but the woman she had talked to, had say that this was a shortcut to the boat that Allison had plans on taking,
for a nice relaxing boat trip sins her grandpa had taken a day off to the beach, and Allison was not so keen to see her grandpa in a bathing suit. next to her was her newest pokemon with her, a small blue dino pokemon with some brid color fines on its head.
Amaura was walking calmly next to her, looking at all the stalls and fish there were.

they were well on their way when they heard something sounding angry? Allison look behind her to see a man
with an electric scooter, but he was running with it in sted of driving? and he was running from a big sawm of angry wingulls! and worst of he was taking them their way!
"you got to be kidding me!" Allison muttered, as she started to run and her pokemon follow her as fast as they could. other people
were trying to get away from the angry pokemon, and Allison would see she could not outrun the man or the bird pokemon. "Amaura use mist!"
she calls to her pokemon, the little dino pokemon let out a soft call as it opens its mouth, and Mist starts to fly out of its mouth.
Allison hope this would make it too hard for the angry Wingulls to see and there by following the mand and there by her!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 19:19:22 GMT
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He was not about to depart with his sandwich. It had cost him too much blood sweat and tears for him to do so willingly to a bunch of Wingull. Though as he ran, Electric-scooter in one hand, sandwich in the other. His options were woefully limited.

Luckily there seemed to be a trainer nearby, of all the people there, most just looking at the display of cowardice. But hopefully, the girl with her, whatever that Pokémon was, out would help him. And so he ran towards the pink-haired girl.

He was rather close by when the dinosaur-looking Pokémon suddenly released a thick mist into the area. He dived through it, heading forwards as he would, the girl seemed to have joined in his running, maybe to escape the oncoming swarm. Still, it didn’t take long for Solomon to reach her and the Pokémon after having exited the other side of the mist.

“Zank’s for ze help.” He spoke to the girl as they continued to move. He quickly tried to rewrap the sandwich in its packaging with one hand before sticking it in one of his many big pockets, the other hand still preoccupied.

Just in time before the first Wingull emerged from the mist, soon followed by the rest of the horde. Angry squawking resounded in the air as they now followed their two targets. “I’m terribly sorry to impose, but zat Pokémon of yours wouldn’t happen to know any offensive moves, vould it?” He asked, while somehow managing to keep his breath while running.

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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Allison Hawthorne
Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 12:26:18 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
Allison hope the mist would work, and the wingulls would give up or get too confused to follow them.
but that did not stop her from keeping running just in case, Amaura closet is mouth when I was done releasing the mist
and let out a happy noise proud of itself.

Allison turned her head to the man when he catch up to her and thank her for the help he sound funny
she had not heard someone sound like that before. "you welcome!" she puff out, as she look back only to see those
stupid birds starting to come through the mist, just great! they did not give up and no one else seme
to want to help them out! she look back at him when he ask her if her pokemon could use an offensive move.
"yes.. but I might hit other people, so unless you know a more open space to run to do say so!" she got through her heavy
breathing, they could not run forever and she would not mind letting Amuara use an attack or one of her other pokemon, but she did not
want to hit a person and risk getting in trouble for that!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 20:05:28 GMT
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The pursuit continued. The Wingulls were relentless. They would have their food, even if they could no longer see it. The girl replied. Her concern was valid, and had they not been running for what he presumed would be his life, he might’ve even considered them.

“Zat’s a valid point, but zat’s a risk vee must take. Zeese birds vill not shtop.” Solomon replied. Of course, he did not know the move set of her Pokémon, if they only had Area of effect moves, then definitely using them in these streets might pose a risk to people. Though as they ran he noticed people were getting out of the way or seeking their own refuge.

Maybe if they continued like this, the street would be clear enough for her to no longer be concerned? Though he had to admit. It was at a time like this, that he cursed not having his own Pokémon. But maybe he had somewhere out there, he couldn’t remember and it certainly hadn’t been with him when he woke up.

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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Allison Hawthorne
Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2022 16:17:38 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
why were these dam birds so persistent!? she hades noticed that the man she was running with had packed up a sandwich and put it away but surely those birds could not be so mad, becurse of a sandwich? right? there was not much time to think too much about it, sins the birds got closer and Allison was not sure she could keep running forever.

she was not much for actually using an attack, that might hit a person or the bird she was not into fighting but she did not have much of a choice here! it was that or get a peck on by angry pokemon "well why are you not using your pokemon to fight them off!?" she puft as she kept running trying to think of what pokemon, she might hade how would be best but she hades a hard time to think, sins she was getting out of breath. "fuck sake, Amaura! use thunder wave!" she got out under her breath, Amaura made a noise then stopped its running and start to run forward the birds, when it was close enough it jump up in the air, as it curled itself in, and sparks begin to apper, Allison stops her running now she was a good distance away. Amaura made a cry as it fold itself back out and a circle of thunder shoot out from around its body and spread out like a ring in water "this better work" Allison puft as she was trying to catch her breath.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2022 18:20:47 GMT
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He did expect the question, though he found it almost embarrassing to admit. “I do not own any!” Though with the way things were going. He would definitely have to reconsider that.

At last, the girl seemed keen on ending this farce of a run. She sent the Amaura into the swarm, the Wingulls did not flinch at first. Following their leader as it honed in on the price. But then a wave of electricity washed through them, one bird at a time until they all fell stunned to the ground. Crackles of electricity washed over their body, as they lay there, trying to get up. Glaring towards the runners.

Solomon had been intent on running but stopped when the girl did. His eyes moved to the swarm which lay upon the pavement, trying to get back on their feet. “I don’t zink standing around like zis is a good idea. Zhey doesn’t seem keen on stopping.”

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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Allison Hawthorne
Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 7:26:07 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
did he say he did not have any pokemon? "you serious?" she let out as she was still trying to catch her breath, while Amaura was doing its attack as she ask it to. she was reliving that the wingulls start to drop to the ground as the attack started to hit them one by one. thank god it had worked for the time being that is, as long as the paralyze work they would be fine.

she look at the man as he say they were not safe, just staying there "yea let me catch my breath" she toke out Amauras Pokeball and recall the pokemon it would be easier to keep running without having to make sure amarua was following. "okay moving on" Allison put the Pokeball back in her little pink handbag and started walking rather fast to get away from the stand pokemon.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 16:36:58 GMT
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“Yes, I am serious,” Solomon stated bluntly. “Is it zat unbelievable?” He gave her a slightly annoyed side-eye. Not that he blamed her or anything, but it wasn’t the first time someone had seemed so surprised.

He gave her a nod when she asked for time. He didn’t mind giving it to her, but he wasn’t certain the Wingulls were about to give her the same kindness. Still, he took the opportunity to catch his breathing as he watched the girl retrieve her Amaura before walking away.

He followed her, wanting to make sure she got away safely from this dangerous horde of Wingulls before he could continue with his job. Once they seemed to have gotten out from the watchful gaze of the Horde, he would say. “Zank you for ze help. My name is Solomon.” He paused, only now truly looking upon the person who had saved him, and realizing how young the girl seemed. “What’s ze name of my savior?”

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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Allison Hawthorne
Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2022 8:12:09 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
"actually yes it is a little unbelievable" she answered, she hades not met anyone that did not have a pokemon.
only babies did not have pokemon, naturally, so she was surprised an adult man did not have pokemon at all.
she kept walking so they could get away from the angry wingulls.

once they were safe as far as she could see, she let out a sigh of relieve as she look at the man
as he talk to her once more. she look at him as he told her his name, "my name is Allison"
Allison made sure she stand up more stayed, and made sure her summer dress was sitting right again after all the running.
"so how come you don't have a pokemon like at all?" she looked at him, as she just waits for his answer, she was curious about it
since she had not met anyone that was not a baby or old not to have a pokemon.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2022 18:14:19 GMT
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They continued. Getting away from the gang of angry Wingull. Now, that there was no reason to run, they both walked at a much more leisurely pace. They even had the chance to talk for a bit. The girl introduced herself as Allison, a lovely name. He noticed her fidgeting with her summer dress but paid no closer attention to it than that.

“Vell, zat’s a very good question. Honestly, I don’t know.” He said nothing more on the matter. Figuring that there was no reason to spill the beans on the current debacle with his memory or rather lack thereof. “But let me turn zat question around, vhy do you have Pokémon?” Maybe this question would make her think about it or maybe not.

Solomon wasn’t keenly interested in some deeper philosophical debate. He was just doing some small talk while continuing his break for a while until he would have to return to work once more.

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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Allison Hawthorne
Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2022 17:28:23 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
he did not know? how did he not know why he did not have any pokemon? surly hade must have chosen to right?
this was puzzling for her, a grown man not knowing why he did not have one pokemon.
then he turn the question around to her. "well the first one I got was a gift from my grandparents" she answer
as she look at him "my others I got ether to becurse we became friends or pure chance" she smile a little.
"I have them becurse I like their company, and though I am not a fan of battle I like the thought of having protection if needed"
she smile as she look back at the way they came, she did not like the idea that he did not have a partner to help him
if anything went bad again. she thought a little before digging into her purse and pulling up a Pokeball.
"here you need a partner in case anything like this happens again" she handles him with a Pokeball containing a Diddo.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2022 18:08:56 GMT
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Solomon listened thoughtfully to the young girl. He couldn’t fault her for her reasons, albeit simple they might be, a gift, a friend, and protection. They were still important reasons. It made him kind of sad, a sense of longing in his chest appeared. The knowledge that out-there a life was waiting for him, and he didn’t remember it.

And then her generousness surprised him. She handed a Pokéball to him. “Are you sure?” He asked. “Zis is one of your friends, is it not?” He looked at her, trying to meet her gaze.

The girl seemed certain and so he nodded thankfully and accepted. “Zank’s. I appreciate zis gift.” He looked at the Pokéball not knowing what sort of Pokémon was inside. Alas, it was at this point that his watch began to blare out an alarm. With a quick touch, he turned the noise off and said. “I am sorry, but vork is calling.” And with that, he would have to take his leave, a new Pokémon in hand gifted to him by a kindhearted soul.

OOC: Finishing post for Solomon

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Vive la Sandwich (Mission/Open)
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2022 2:56:07 GMT
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